Leading the way in Machine Health Management

We are dedicated to offer the best solutions for our customers’ specific needs, using the latest technology and AI-backed tools to optimize the performance and reliability of their machinery.

Less Downtime

By proactively identifying and addressing potential issues before they lead to equipment failure.

Reduction in Maintenance Costs

By optimizing maintenance schedules and reducing unnecessary repairs.

Reduced Carbon Emission

By detecting machinery malfunctions 2-4 months in advance.

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Seamless Solution

We help you to apply more effective maintenance strategies to avoid losses of downtime and decrease carbon footprint. According to data comes from our clients, Sensemore end-users can achieve.

Enable Sustainability in Your Facilities

Costs of production outcomes are taken under control by monitoring the equipment’s health status and predicting possible future failures. Sustainable production is provided by reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources in both production and maintenance.

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We share our knowledge with the community, please check our blog pages. If you need further information feel free to contact us.

sensemore maintenance bot

Sensemore Maintenance Bot

AI-powered bots can predict equipment failures and prevent downtime in industrial maintenance. Sensemore offers a comprehensive solution with sensors, data…

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Sustainable Future by Improving the Maintenance Strategies

Sustainability in industry can be achieved by reducing industrial carbon emissions by using…

What is Reliability and FMEA?

What is FMEA?

Reliability is the ability to prevent failures in a system or product, implemented through proactive and reactive methods. FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is a method used to evaluate the reliability of a…

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